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flag-dk-pkp-2 Julemanden & Cirkus Mascot flyver over land & by med alle sine randsdyr med jule SHOW til alle børn. Det er altid en stor fornøjelse at se alle de glade børn der er kommet for at se jule show. Der er jo et barn i os alle. Det er altid en fornøjelse at møde den altid glade og sjove klovn Gulio. Tak til Cirkus Mascot Co. for det flotte arbejde i laver her i den søde juletid.
flag-uk-pkp-2 Santa Claus & Cirkus Mascot Flying over country & town with all his reindeer with christmas SHOW for all children. It's always a great pleasure to see all the happy children there have come to see Christmas show. There is one child in all of us. It's always a pleasure to meet the always happy and funny clown Gulio. Thanks to Cirkus Mascot & Co. for the great work done here in the sweet Christmas season.


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