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flag-dk-sputnik sun-pkp flag-dk-sputnik Jazz på Havnen i Rudkøbing (Langeland) 14. juni.
To timers koncert Med Cubanske
Duo Cofradia. Tak til Lia Llorente & Pachi Ruiz for rigtig god musik. Det var en fornøjelse at høre jer spille. Håber at vi vil ser & høre jer spille igen her på på den smukke Ø Langeland.
flag-uk-sputnik sun-pkp flag-uk-sputnik Jazz at the harbor in Rudkøbing (Langeland) June 14th
Two hours concert with Cuba
Duo Cofradia. Thanks to Lia Llorente & Pachi Ruiz for the great music. It was a pleasure to hear you play. Hope we will see & hear you play again here on the beautiful island of Langeland.

2X1A8191 2X1A8222
cuba-heart-pkp sputnik-cuba

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